Clever Dripper

Clever Dripper was created to make manual coffee easy and entertaining for everyone, even professionals or home barista. For many coffee lovers, it is one of their favorite pour over brewer. It is easy to use but still can brew a really tasty cup of coffee. It is shaped just like a standard pour over brewer, but the valve on the bottom allows you to hold your hot water into the brew area. It works well with light roast coffees and it can give you a balanced cup, with rich body and full of aromas.
Clever Dripper
Paper filter
Light roast coffee (15 gr)
Hot filtered water ( 90-94⁰C)
Baboo stick/spoon
Heat your filtered water at 93 degrees of Celsius. Place the paper filter into the Clever Dripper and pre wet it at least with 150gr of hot water, warming your mug at the same time. Discard the water from your mug.
Measure 15gr of coffee and grind it at medium grinding setting.
Place the Clever Dripper on a scale and tare. Add your coffee and gently distribute by touching the Clever Dripper with your hand. Tare again.
Start the timer and add directly 250gr of hot water. Stir 5 times clockwise.
Place the lid on the dripper in order not to lose temperature and the aromas. Wait 1:30.
After 1:30, place the brew device on your mug/server to allow the coffee to extract down. The brew should be over around 3:30.
Remove the dripper, throw the coffee pack and clean it with hot water.
Stir your mug/server and enjoy!